Galila Tekle Wubbe
M.A. Student
Galila Tekle Wubbbe is an M.A. student in the program of Early Childhood in the field of mental health at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She received her B.A. from the Hadassah College in Jerusalem in the Department of Language and Communication Disorders. Galila currently works with young children and children diagnosed on the autism spectrum in educational settings and at her own clinic. She is a member of the ISEF organization that aims to promote equal opportunities in education and reduce social inequality in Israeli society. She is also a member of the "Olim Beyahad" association that aims to create meaningful employment integration for outstanding Ethiopian Jewish-Israeli academics. Galila immigrated to Israel in 1997 from Ethiopia at the age of 10. She is married and a mother of two. She enjoys spending her free time with her family.